Winter 2010

Winter 2010
Ryan, Tara, and all the girlies.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Attacked by a Midget

It's true, I was really attacked by a midget (a miniature pony that is). I got a phone call from my dad, who was in Boston at the time, saying that Bandit (one of the mini's) was out. I told him I'd check on it. I peeked out the window, but wasn't able to see anything. I crept down the stairs and poked my head out the door, but was still unable to see him. I didn't have any shoes on, so I grabbed a pair of Ryan's that were on the shoe rack. At this point I am beginning to loath that cute little pony, however I still thought it was cute. "It's a miniature horse, how hard could it be to capture it and return it to it's brother?" Needless to say, I underestimated the little guy! He was hanging out with the big boy horses. I think he must have been suffering from the little horse syndrome. I was able to slip the rope around his neck with ease which confirmed my delusion that this was going to be easy. In my attempt to lead him back, he planted his hooves in the ground and, like a stubborn mule, would not move. His strength was impressive! I pulled and pulled with all my might. Different tactics were implemented to persuade him to come with me. I attempted to be nice and talk gently to him. That didn't work. I attempted to yell at him and use physical force. That didn't work. Maybe a little smack on the butt would get him moving. It did. He took off running, but I was not going to let go of that rope! Not a chance. The next thing I knew I was doing a somersault and Ryan's shoes and my cell phone were literally flying through the air. You see, it's very difficult to walk in shoes that are 4 sizes too large, let alone run in them on uneven terrain (covered in horse manure, that was now all over me). I just may have broken my toe, and definitely damaged my pride. The first thing I did was look around to see if anyone witnessed my moment of shame. In that instant I no longer had thoughts of him being cute, in any way shape or form. It took some outsmarting on my part to finally get a hold of him again, but by golly I got him. Again, he would not move. I even had Tay and Ky come out to try and coax him along, but he was not having it. Hating to admit defeat I decided to tie him up to the fence and let Marcus deal with him. I did manage to put a halter on him, tho (you're welcome, Marcus). The other horses must have been conspiring with him, because they kept biting on the rope and pulling on it, nearly untying him. As I was redoing the knot, taking away some of the slack, so he wouldn't have as much freedom (I was going to make him pay), he decided to jump up on me like a dog. He nailed me right in the center of my forehead, and some other places that I didn't really notice at the time because my head was throbbing too hard. Loathing was no longer the right word to describe my feelings for this "cute" little pony. Despise. . . yeah, that would be a better word. I was also angry at my dad and Marcus, because I knew they were going to make so much fun of me, which they did. What made me even more furious is that when Marcus came over, he was able to just walk that stupid animal right back. Steven always called Marcus, "Midget" growing up. I guess Marcus and Bandit share that special midget bond, and that's why they get along so well. Anyway, the rest of the evening was spent in bed with a horrific headache that made me vomit a few times, due to the excruciating pain. A week and a half later, I still have a bump and a bruise right in the center of my forehead as proof that I was attacked by a midget. :O)

1 comment:

  1. That was a very descriptive post - I pictured it all happening!! How fun to have mini horses!! I am sorry for your pain!! They can be stinkers!!
