Winter 2010

Winter 2010
Ryan, Tara, and all the girlies.

Monday, May 31, 2010

"Mom, Brinlee is throwing white things."

I think something evil has possessed my sweet Brinlee's cute little body. I was downstairs doing laundry when Marlee comes down and says, rather calmly, "Mom, Brinlee is throwing white things." I went upstairs to find my innocent looking Brinlee about to throw a glass bowl on the floor, along with the 3 or 4 glass plates that are now in millions of pieces, covering every inch of surface on my kitchen floor. Yep, she was so proud of her work as she clapped her hands and grinned from ear to ear. I was very upset, but the next thought that came to my mind was, "I've got to get my camera, so I can get some pics of this!" We are compiling quite an album, rather a portfolio, of messes that my "sweet" little girl continues making. I am still finding shards of glass in interesting places (i.e. under my bed . . . ?) She definitely provides endless methods of entertainment . . . Never a dull moment with her around.
To be continued, I'm sure. . . . . . .


  1. I have a book made of Bryn during her stint as a holy terror called 'No Bryn No!!!' Life is ever the adventure with children! Welcome to the world of blogging!!

  2. Fun! I cannot believe how big Taylee is! She is gorgeous! Your girls are darling. Sounds like Brinlee is a lot like my Mason.
