Winter 2010

Winter 2010
Ryan, Tara, and all the girlies.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Adventures in Potty Training

Brinlee is turning two next month, and I have it in my head that she should be potty training by now. She has a different idea entirely! Today I noticed her squatting and grunting, so I rushed her to her little potty, stripped her down, and lovingly placed her on it. She thought this was alot of fun because she was completely naked and wasn't going to get in trouble for it (because Mom did it). Trying to get her to stay on the potty was like a game of "Cat and Mouse," at least she thought it was a game. I finally gave up by just putting some big girl panties on her so she'd be easier to strip when she started the grunting action again. Those didn't last long . . . being naked is just too much fun. Marlee showed her how to go on the little potty (Marlee always begs me to let her pee in the training potty), but that turned out to be yet another mess to clean up. While I was cleaning up that mess, Brinlee wanted in on the action and peed on the floor . . .next to her potty (we're making progress). Once that mess was resolved, I got distracted doing something else when I heard the grunting again. I ran, remembering that there was nothing between her cute little naked butt, and the floor. She thought this would be a great time to play "Hide and Seek." I literally ran around the house yelling her name, all the while begging Marlee (mother's are good at multi-tasking) to help me find her, QUICK! I discovered how talented Brinlee really is. Have you ever seen anyone that can poop and run at the same time? Well Brinlee can. I found little poop pebbles all over the living room. I am counting counting my blessings, however, that it was poopoo pebbles and not diarrhea! Things could have really been ugly. I know that they have to be ready to potty train before any real success can be achieved, however, I am a slow learner too and keep finding myself trying to make her ready. The good news is the panties survived and now are tucked safely in her drawer . . .until I forget about this episode and try it again. This too shall pass, in the mean time it gives me something entertaining to blog about.

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