Winter 2010

Winter 2010
Ryan, Tara, and all the girlies.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Family Photos

We had our family photos taken on Tuesday night. Can say, "ARGHHHHH!"? So that's why we only do that once every few years. Getting four girls, myself, and a husband (almost as bad as the girls) ready, is hard enough; then you have to keep them looking nice until you get the photos successfully completed. Taylee wasn't too bad, except I feel like I am talking to a brick wall. She doesn't listen and when she does listen, she gets so distracted that whatever I told her to do is completely forgotten. I curled her hair in big ringlets that looked very pretty, but by the time we got there, most of the curl had fallen out. Kylee was probably the easiest to get ready. She's very good at doing what I ask and does it in a timely manner. Her problem was she couldn't find her sandals. We looked, and looked, and looked some more. We tried a pair of Taylee's old sandals on her, but she was not having it. There's one thing Kylee is famous for. . . her stubbornness. She was NOT going to wear Taylee's shoes, she wanted hers. She finally found an old pair of hers, but they needed to be polished. That's when I realized that all of their sandals needed some attention. TIME, I needed more TIME!!! Marlee was still in the bathtub and it was just about time to go. Luckily Grandma came in and saved the day. She fixed Marlee's hair and polished all the sandals. Thank goodness for Grandmas!!! I had this brilliant idea that I would paint all of the girls fingernails and toenails to match their dresses. Why do I do this to myself? Tay and Ky got theirs done, but Marlee only got her toes done. I told her that we didn't have time to do her fingers, but she wasn't having that. You see, Marlee is also very stubborn. I did not have time to fight with her, so I just quickly did her fingernails, knowing now that we were definitely going to be late. Brinlee was the easiest until we got to the actual taking of the photos. I was worried that she was going to be grumpy and crying, but she was actually happy. What a relief. She was so happy in fact that she thought it was hilarious to pull Marlee's hair in front of her, grab Ryan's face behind her, and reach out to me next to her. It was very difficult to get her to hold still. When she did hold still Marlee was looking off in a different direction. UGH! Our poor photographer. While she was taking pictures of the other girls, Brinlee was busy picking all the flowers. I just kept thinking, "I hope they don't have surveillance cameras." I am still waiting for someone to show up on my doorstep to collect money for all the damage done to the landscaping. Kylee has this fake smile that I didn't notice until we were done with the family part, and had moved on to the individual ones of the girls. She tucks her upper lip under so all you can see is her gums, but no upper lip. Kylee has a beautiful smile, but for some reason she uses this fake one in every formal picture that is taken of her. Ryan has a fake smile too and does this weird little head tilt. Who knows what strange little quirks I have. Brinlee had a big bruise right on the middle of her head and I had a bunch of zits on my chin from last weeks breakout. I guess there is no such thing as perfect, right? I just wanted it to be perfect so badly. We should get the proofs back next week, so that will be the moment of truth. I will be sure to post these pics when I get them. . . if they turn out, that is.

1 comment:

  1. At least you try!! WE haven't had a picture taken professionally since Bryn was born!!
